by smbalaji | Jun 1, 2023 | Events
Dr. SM Balaji was invited to attend the FDI World Dental Federation Workshop on Tobacco Cessation that was held in Cairo, Egypt. This was held in association with the Egyptian Armed Forces Dental Corps along the sidelines of the Africa Health ExCon.
Dr. SM Balaji interacts with the leadership of the Egyptian Armed Forces Dental Corps
Dr. SM Balaji met Maj. Gen. Dr. Ahmed Amin Moselhy, Leader of Specialized Military Dental Hospital, Alkoba Armed Forces Hospital, Maj. Gen. Prof. Raafat Riad, Former Chief of the Dental Office, Egypt Force Defense and Maj. Gen. Dr. Emad Eldin Saad Mohamed, Consultant in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Military Medical Academy at the workshop.
Dr. SM Balaji Delivers Keynote Lecture at FDI Tobacco Cessation Workshop
Dr. SM Balaji delivered the keynote lecture at the workshop. Drawing from his vast experience related to rehabilitatory surgery for oral cancer survivors, he explained the degree to which the use of tobacco can affect the general health of the user. He provided valuable inputs that can be used to help wean the use of tobacco in the armed forces.
Dr. SM Balaji presented with Memento in Appreciation of his Keynote Lecture
Dr. SM Balaji received a memento for his participation at the workshop from Dr. Nahawand Thabet who expressed her appreciation for his insightful keynote lecture.

The Venue of the Africa Health ExCon that was held in Cairo, Egypt

The Head Quarters of the Egyptian Authority for Unified Procurement of Medical Supplies

Dr. SM Balaji at the FDI Workshop for Tobacco Cessation, Egypt

Dr. SM Balaji with Maj. Gen. Dr. Moselhy, Maj. Gen. Prof. Riad and Maj. Gen. Dr. Mohamed at the workshop

Dr. SM Balaji shares his views with the leaders of the Egyptian Armed Forces Dental Corps

Dr. SM Balaji receiving a memento for his keynote lecture at the workshop

Dr. SM Balaji with Dr. Nahawand Thabet at the workshop

Dr. SM Balaji delivering his keynote lecture at the conference

Dr. SM Balaji at a luncheon meeting with the Egyptian Armed Forces Dental Corps leadership
by smbalaji | May 30, 2023 | Events
Dr. SM Balaji Attends the Valedictory Function at the 33rd Indian Society for Dental Research Annual Conference
Dr. SM Balaji attended the Valedictory Function at the recently concluded 33rd Indian Society for Dental Research (ISDR) Conference in New Delhi, India. He addressed the delegates at the conference, reiterating the importance of the annual event in advancing the cause of dental research.
Prof. Mahesh Verma and Dr. SM Balaji helm the Valedictory Function
Prof. Mahesh Verma, President, ISDR, Prof. Brian O’Connell, President of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) and Prof. Nick Jakubovics, Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Dental Research (JDR) were also in attendance at the function.
Dr. SM Balaji presents the Best Scientific Presentation Certificates
Dr. SM Balaji and the other distinguished dignitaries were later awarded certificates for the best scientific presentations at the conference. Dr. SM Balaji also received a memento from Prof. Mahesh Verma and Prof. Brian O’Connell for his leadership role during the conference.
Successful Completion of Conference with Record-Breaking Attendance
The conference was a resounding success with a record number of delegates actively participating in all the workshops and presentations that had been organized for encouraging dental research in the country.

Dr. SM Balaji welcoming Prof. Mahesh Verma to the valedictory function

Dr. SM Balaji addressing the distinguished delegates

Dr. SM Balaji at the valedictory function

Prof. Brian O’Connell addressing the delegates at the function

Dr. SM Balaji applauding an Awardee for the best scientific presentation

Dr. SM Balaji at the awards function for the best scientific presentation

Dr. SM Balaji interactions with a student awardee for scientific presentation

Dr. SM Balaji at the awards function

Dr. SM Balaji receiving a memento from Prof. Mahesh Verma and Prof. Brian O’Connell

33rd ISDR Inauguration Ceremony
by smbalaji | May 29, 2023 | Events
Dr. SM Balaji attends the Inauguration Ceremony of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Indian Society for Dental Research
Dr. SM Balaji, Secretary General, Indian Society for Dental Research (ISDR), attended the 33rd Annual Conference of the Indian Society for Dental Research that recently concluded in New Delhi, India.
Dr. SM Balaji welcomes Chief Guest, Prof. Vinod K. Paul to the Conference
The Chief Guest, Dr. Vinod K. Paul, distinguished Neonatal Pediatrician and member, NITI Aayog and the Guest of Honour, Prof. Brian O’Connell, President, International Association for Dental Research (IADR) were warmly welcomed to the conference by Dr. SM Balaji and Prof. Mahesh Verma, President, ISDR. They also warmly welcomed Prof. Nick Jakubovics, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Dental Research (JDR) to the conference. The conference was officially inaugurated by the lighting of the lamp by the distinguished invitees.
Recognition for Meritorious Members of the ISDR
This was followed by the awards ceremony for outstanding members of the ISDR who had made significant contributions towards the advancement of dental research. Meritorious students were also honoured with ISDR awards. The conference souvenir and transactions book were also released during the inauguration ceremony.
Dr. SM Balaji chairs the Dr. JG Kannappan Oration at the Conference
Dr. SM Balaji and Prof. Mahesh Verma chaired the scientific session at the conference. Prof. Brian O’Connell delivered the Dr. JG Kannappan Oration at the conference and Prof. Nick Jakubovics, delivered the keynote speech at the occasion. Dr. SM Balaji and Prof. Mahesh Verma presented Prof. Brian O’Connell and Prof. Nick Jakubovics with a certificate of appreciation and a memento for their contributions at the conference.
Prof. Nick Jakubovics presents Dr. SM Balaji with a Certificate of Appreciation
Dr. SM Balaji was also presented with a certificate of appreciation for chairing the scientific session by Prof. Nick Jakubovics. The inauguration ceremony of the ISDR 33rd Annual Conference was a resounding success with a record number of delegates in attendance.

Dr. SM Balaji welcoming Chief Guest, Prof. Vinod K Paul, to the conference

Dr. SM Balaji honouring Prof. Brian O’Connell, Guest of Honour, at the conference

Dr. SM Balaji seen during the Lighting of the Lamp Ceremony

Dr. SM Balaji, Secretary General, ISDR, delivering the welcome address at the conference

Dr. SM Balaji during his welcome address at the ISDR conference

Meritorious Student receiving the Dr. SM Balaji Award at the conference

The Awardees with Dr. SM Balaji at the 33rd ISDR Annual ConferenceThe Awardees with Dr. SM Balaji at the 33rd ISDR Annual Conference

Dr. SM Balaji Chairs the Dr. JG Kannapan Oration on the Opening Day of the Conference

Prof. Brian O’Connell receives the Certificate of Appreciation from Dr. SM Balaji and Prof. Mahesh Verma

Dr. SM Balaji receives Certificate of Appreciation from Prof. Nick Jakubovics, Editor-in-Chief, JDR
by smbalaji | May 28, 2023 | Events
The Annual Convocation & Awards Function of the International College of Dentists (ICD), India, Sri Lanka & Nepal Section was recently held in New Delhi, India. Dr. SM Balaji, Editor-in-Chief, participated in the awarding of fellowships to the newly inducted members of the International College of Dentists as well as attended the ICD board meeting during his visit.
Prof. Mahesh Verma, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi was invited to be the chief guest at the convocation. The convocation was a resounding success with the newly inducted fellows reiterating to follow the high standards set by the International College of Dentists India, Sri Lanka & Nepal Section.

Dr. SM Balaji at the ICD Board Meeting

Dr. SM Balaji with dignitaries at the board meeting

The gathering at the ICD convocation

Members of the ICD Board at the convocation

A view of the ICD fellows gathered at the convocation

Dr. SM Balaji and other board members at the convocation

Prof. Mahesh Verma being felicitated at the convocation

Newly inducted fellows after the convocation
by smbalaji | May 21, 2023 | Events
Dr. SM Balaji was Invited to visit the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Ain Shams University
Prof. Marwa AW El-Kassaby, BDS, MDSc, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Ain Shams University, Cairo, extended a personal invitation to Dr. SM Balaji to visit the Ains Shams University Hospital.
During the visit, accompanied by Prof. Marwa AW El-Kassaby, he interacted with students, residents and faculty members and participated in the ward rounds as well as attended the outpatient wards. He provided valuable inputs and treatment guidance during his outpatient visit and ward rounds.
Dr. SM Balaji Invited to Perform Complex Craniofacial Surgeries at Ain Shams University
Prof. Marwa AW El-Kassaby also further extended an invitation to Dr. SM Balaji to visit and operate with the surgical team during a forthcoming conference. Dr. SM Balaji gladly accepted the invitation and is soon to visit Egypt for demonstrating complex surgeries for the benefit of the students and residents at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.

A View of Ain Shams University Hospital

Dr. SM Balaji being welcomed by Prof. Marwa El-Kassaby

Dr. SM Balaji Examining a Patient in the Department

Students and Residents listening to Dr. SM Balaji explaining a clinical finding

Dr. SM Balaji exchanging views with Prof. Marwa El-Kassaby

Dr. SM Balaji Observing a Patient during Outpatient Visit

Prof. Marwa El-Kassaby discussing with Dr. SM Balaji

Dr. SM Balaji Illustrating to Explain a Clinical Solution

Dr. SM Balaji with a Patient at the Ain Shams University Hospital

Residents and Students Gain Valuable Insight from Dr. SM Balaji
by smbalaji | May 21, 2023 | Events
Invitation from the Director of AIIMS, New Delhi to deliver the Dr. Hari Parkash Oration
Dr. SM Balaji was invited by Prof. M Srinivas, Director, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, to deliver the Dr. Hari Parkash Oration at the prestigious institute of higher learning. This is a high honor that is accorded to only a select few who excel in their field of medical expertise.
Distinguished Faculty Members of the AIIMS, New Delhi welcome Dr. SM Balaji
Prof. Minu Bajpai, Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery, AIIMS and Executive Director, National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS), Prof. Ritu Duggal, Chief, Centre for Dental Education and Research (CDER), AIIMS and Prof. Ajoy Roy Chowdhury, Head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, CDER, AIIMS were also present at the august occasion.
Presentation on the Challenges and Triumphs in Simple to Complex Craniofacial Surgery
Dr. SM Balaji presented Prof. M Srinivas and Prof. Minu Bajpai with his groundbreaking “Clinical Craniomaxillofacial Surgery,” which is one of the bestselling textbooks on clinical craniofacial surgery worldwide.
This was followed by Dr. SM Balaji’s oration on the “Challenges and Triumphs in Simple to Complex Craniofacial Surgery,” which was very well received by the distinguished members of the audience. Dr. SM Balaji drew upon his vast experience of over 30 years as a craniofacial surgeon to make an insightful and lucid presentation.
Appreciation for Dr. SM Balaji’s Excellent Dr. Hari Parkash Oration
Prof. M Srinivas and Prof. Minu Bajpai presented Dr. SM Balaji with a memento and a certificate to mark the occasion of his Dr. Hari Parkash Oration. The members of the audience expressed their appreciation for the excellent oration on the topic of craniofacial surgery.

Dr SM Balaji receiving the certificate honouring him on the occasion of the oration

Dr SM Balaji invited to deliver the prestigious Dr. Hari Parkash Oration at AIIMS, New Delhi

Dr SM Balaji being welcomed by Prof M Srinivas

Prof Ajoy Roy Chowdhury, Head of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, CDER, AIIMS, addressing the audience

Prof. Ritu Duggal, Chief, CDER, AIIMS welcoming the audience to the oration

Dr SM Balaji seated at the dais before the commencement of his oration

Dr SM Balaji delivering the Hari Parkash Oration at AIIMS, New Delhi

A view of the distinguished audience who were invited for the oration

Another view of the distinguished audience at the oration

Dr SM Balaji receiving the memento honouring him on the occasion of the oration