Infected Mobile Teeth Replaced With Dental Implants

Infected Mobile Teeth Replaced With Dental Implants

This is a case of a 28 year old woman with a complaint of shaking lower front teeth, which induces pain and discomfort on chewing food. She stated that lately the saliva from the involved site is starting to taste salty. She gives a dental history of root canal treatment done to the lower anteriors 2 years back. After which an apicoectomy of the teeth was done a year back elsewhere, due to long standing cystic lesion at the root end of the teeth.

Subsequently, one of her lower anterior tooth started shaking, which was then extracted and replaced with a dental implant 6 months back. Over the time there was an increase in the mobility of the adjacent teeth and the dental implant. Worried with her oral condition, she approached us seeking for a solution,that could restore her well-being.


On intraoral examination, pus discharge from the lower anterior region was evident. The anterior teeth and the implant exhibited mobility. The surrounding gum tissues were red and swollen.

Full mouth X-ray (OPG) taken shows apicoectomy done to the root canal treated teeth in the lower anteriors. Infection around the implant and the teeth was evident.

Blood reports affirmed no underlying systemic abnormality.


Dr. SM Balaji examined the patient. He suggested to extract the lower front mobile teeth and remove the infected dental implant under local anesthesia. Later, replacement of teeth with dental implants was intended. Other teeth replacement options were also explained to her. Patient opted to go for dental implants since it was considered as the best option. Patients consent was obtained before starting the procedure.


Under local anesthesia, Dr. SM Balaji extracted the mobile lower anterior teeth and removed the infected dental implant from the jaw bone. The recipient site was curetted and irrigated well with a sterile solution. Patient was put on antibiotics for a better healing process. A temporary removable prosthesis was given to replace her missing teeth.


Patient returned after 6 months for implant placement. Her gums were well healed. There was no signs of pus discharge. X-ray taken affirmed no signs of pathological infection in the bone. Hence local anesthesia was administered. Renowned Implantologist, Dr.SM Balaji fixed the dental implants directly in the jaw bone, using the flapless technique.

She was asked to wait for a healing period of 3 to 4 months to let the dental implants completely integrate with the underlying jaw bone. This aids in better retention and stability of the dental implant in the future. Meanwhile, she was asked to continue to wear the temporary prosthesis to replace her missing teeth.


She approached us after 3 months for the final prosthesis. Intra oral examination confirmed no pathological findings. Post-operative OPG taken, shows well osseointegrated dental implants with no signs of infection. Hence the final measurements were taken to make the fixed prosthesis. Finally, a natural looking prosthesis was fixed onto the dental implants.

The prosthesis colour blended well with her natural teeth. She was extremely happy and satisfied with the outcome. Since then she and her family has been visiting our dental hospital for regular check-ups

Pre-operative OPG shows root canal treated lower anteriors and infected dental implant
Pre-operative OPG shows root canal treated lower anteriors and infected dental implant
Dental implants of perfect size and height fixed in the jaw bone at the involved site
Dental implants of perfect size and height fixed in the jaw bone at the involved site
Post operative OPG shows well osseointegrated dental implants
Post operative OPG shows well osseointegrated dental implants
Natural looking prosthesis fixed onto the dental implants
Natural looking prosthesis fixed onto the dental implants
Patient before and after treatment outcome
Patient before and after treatment outcome

Oral Rehabilitation with Dental Implants

Oral Rehabilitation with Dental Implants

This is a case of a 65 year old male who approached us with a desire to replace his missing teeth with dental implants. He gives a history of long standing periodontal pathology 5 years ago, due to which he had to get all his lower teeth and few of his upper teeth extracted elsewhere. Since then, he has been using removable dentures to replace his missing teeth.

He seemed to be a reputed politician who is in a position to constantly communicate with his fellow members. Having said that, he feels that he is not able to convey his message and commands effectively to his team due to the insecurity of wearing dentures. Hence the he wanted to go for a fixed option that can restore his confidence.

Patient gives a medical history of taking medication for diabetes and hypertension for the past 10 years.


On clinical examination, most of his teeth were missing with only afew teeth in the upper jaw left. No pathological findings seen intra-orally.

On radiological examination, OPG taken shows missing teeth in the upper and lower jaw. The bone height in the both the jaws were also sufficient enough to go for a fixed teeth replacement option.

Blood investigation revealed blood glucose level slightly over the normal range. His blood pressure was within the normal range.

Patient with missing teeth in the upper and lower jaw
Patient with missing teeth in the upper and lower jaw
OPG taken shows missing teeth with sufficient bone height for dental implant placement
OPG taken shows missing teeth with sufficient bone height for dental implant placement
Dental implants placed at the relative site in the upper and lower jaw
Dental implants placed at the relative site in the upper and lower jaw


After thorough examination and considering his need and social status, Dr.SM Balaji planned to place dental implants at the relative site under local anesthesia, later followed by fixed prosthesis onto the implants. The surgical procedure was clearly explained to him. Patient’s consent was obtained.


Under local anesthesia, Dr.SM Balaji incised and elevated the gum tissues exposing the underlying upper and lower jaw bone. After a sequence of drilling protocol, dental implants of perfect size were fixed in the jaw bone with stability. Finally, the gum tissues were approximated with absorbable suture.

Post- operative OPG taken shows dental implants well integrated with the underlying jaw bone
Post- operative OPG taken shows dental implants well integrated with the underlying jaw bone
Natural looking fixed ceramic prosthesis placed onto the dental implants
Natural looking fixed ceramic prosthesis placed onto the dental implants


He was asked to report after 3 months for placement of the final prosthesis as the dental implants require sufficient time to osseointegrate with the jaw bone. Post oral care instructions were briefed. Meanwhile a lightweight temporary prosthesis were given to replace the missing teeth in the upper and lower jaw for the time being.


He came back after 5 months for the final procedure. Post-operative OPG taken shows well positioned dental implants in integration with the surrounding jaw bone. Hence final measurements were taken. After a few trial procedures, the final prosthesis was fixed onto the dental implants. He felt an immediate improvement in his speech. There was an instant boost of confidence in the patient. He was very happy and uplifted with the treatment outcome. He is on a regular follow- up.

Replacement of compromised teeth and space closure with dental implants

Replacement of compromised teeth and space closure with dental implants

This is a case of a 52 year old female patient with a complaint of mobile lower front teeth. The patient stated that she’s been experiencing severe mobility of her lower front teeth for a while as a result of which one of her lower anterior had fallen out recently. Since then, the gaps between her lower front teeth have started to get wider and the persistent mobility of her teeth often gave her tough time pronouncing certain words. The unpleasant look of her lower teeth worried her. She requested for a solution to bridge the gap between her teeth in order to restore the normalcy of her oral function and appearance. Patient gives a medical history of hypothyroidism, diabetes for the past 10years and is known to be on medication.


On clinical examination, the lower anteriors exhibited severe mobility with missing right central incisor.

On radiological examination, OPG taken shows generalized bone loss and surrounding tissue attachment loss in all the teeth.

Blood investigation revealed thyroid level under control with the blood glucose level slightly above the normal range.


With the patients demand in consideration, Dr.S.M.Balaji planned to extract the mobile anteriors followed by fixation of Dental implants under local anesthesia. A course of periodontal therapy (gum treatment) was also intended, as the supporting gum tissues were weak due to underlying periodontal pathology. The surgical procedure was briefed and patients consent was obtained.


Under local anesthesia, the mobile lower anteriors were extracted, followed by elevation of the surrounding gum tissues to expose the underlying jaw bone. Secondly, dental implants of appropriate size were fixed in the bone with utmost stability and precision. Finally, the gum tissues were approximated covering the dental implants with absorbable suture.


A course of antibiotics and painkillers were given for 3 days to cope up with the mild postoperative discomfort. Patient was educated on the postoperative home oral regime. She was asked to report after 3 months for the final prosthesis, to let the dental implants completely osseointegrate with the jaw bone. For the time being, a removable prosthesis was given to the patient to replace her missing teeth.


Post-operative OPG taken after 3months shows well integrated dental implants with the surrounding bone. Hence the final impression was taken, followed by few trials of bite alterations of the final prosthesis. A natural looking ceramic bridge was fixed onto the dental implants covering the unpleasant gap which was worrying the patient. There was an immediate improvement in the patient’s speech and she was more than happy with the outcome.

Patient with unpleasant looking lower anteriors
Patient with unpleasant looking lower anteriors
Pre-operative OPG shows generalized bone loss in all teeth
Pre-operative OPG shows generalized bone loss in all teeth
Extraction of the mobile lower front teeth under local anesthesia
Extraction of the mobile lower front teeth under local anesthesia
Dental implants fixed at the relative site with stability
Dental implants fixed at the relative site with stability
Post- operative OPG shows well osseointegrated dental implant
Post- operative OPG shows well osseointegrated dental implant
Well aligned natural looking fixed ceramic prosthesis
Well aligned natural looking fixed ceramic prosthesis

Replacement of broken root canal treated tooth with Dental Implant

Replacement of broken root canal treated tooth with Dental Implant

This is a case of a 36year old male with a complaint of broken crown in the upper front tooth region. He stated that his kid accidently hit him on his face the day before, which dislodged the crown in his upper anterior tooth right away. He gives a history of root canal treatment been done to the involved tooth 2years back elsewhere due to decay and discolouration. Now that the broken crown had come out, he felt less confident to speak or smile. He desired to restore the involved tooth with a new crown at the earliest.

Patient had no medical history.


On clinical examination, the upper front tooth seemed to be extensively broken with only the root portion of the teeth remaining. No pain in the involved tooth. No laceration seen in the surrounding gum tissue. No extra oral injury seen.

On radiological examination, OPG taken shows remaining root portion of the broken root canal treated tooth. No pathological findings seen in the surrounding bone.


On examination, the upper anterior had insufficient tooth structure to support and retain a dental crown, hence Implantologist, Dr.SM Balaji suggested to extract the broken teeth followed by dental implant placement under local anesthesia. Later, replacement of the crown portion of tooth with a fixed prosthesis. Alternatively, treatment of dental bridge placement using the support of the adjacent teeth was also suggested. Finally, he opted for dental implants, understanding that it was the best treatment plan for him. Patient’s consent was obtained.


Under local anesthesia, Dr.SM Balaji extracted the broken upper front tooth. Secondly, dental implant of appropriate height was fixed directly into the empty tooth socket without reflecting the gum tissues. Followed by this, a lightweight temporary prosthesis was fixed onto the dental implant to replace his missing tooth for the time being.


Post surgical oral care instructions given. The patient was asked to report after 3 months for the final prosthesis placement, in order to let the dental implant completely integrate with the jaw bone.


He reported back after 6 months for the final prosthesis. Post operative OPG taken shows osseointegrated dental implant with no pathological findings. Hence final measurement was taken to fabricate the fixed prosthesis accordingly.  A natural looking Zirconia prosthesis was fixed onto the dental implant. The prosthesis was a perfect match to his natural teeth. The patient was very happy with the treatment outcome.

Patient with broken upper front tooth
Patient with broken upper front tooth
Pre operative OPG shows root canal treated tooth
Pre operative OPG shows root canal treated tooth
Dental implants placed directly into the jaw bone
Dental implants placed directly into the jaw bone
Post-operative OPG shows osseointegrated dental implant
Post-operative OPG shows osseointegrated dental implant
Natural looking prosthesis fixed onto the dental implant
Natural looking prosthesis fixed onto the dental implant

Dental Implants for Malaligned Mobile Teeth

Dental Implants for Malaligned Mobile Teeth


This is a case of a 32 year old female patient, who approached our dental hospital with a complaint of mobile lower front teeth. The patient stated that her lower anteriors started to shake a year back, which over time led to severe mobility. She was also concerned with the malalignment of her lower anteriors. As a result of mobility and crooked teeth, patient felt difficulty to bite food as it caused mild pain and discomfort. Patient wanted to correct her malalignment as well as find a solution for her shaking teeth.

Patient is said to be pre-diabetic and under medication for past 1 year.


On clinical examination, the patients lower anteriors appeared to be crowded and malaligned. The gum tissue surrounding the relative teeth seemed to have mild inflammation with bleeding on palpation.

On radiological examination,OPG taken shows moderate generalized bone loss in all teeth except for the corresponding lower anteriors which considerably had slightly more bone resorption, due to poor oral maintenance of the patient. A thorough blood analysis revealed no systemic abnormalities. Blood glucose level was under control.


With regard to the patients concern on malalignment and mobility, Dr S M Balaji planned to extract the shaking teeth in the lower front region and replace the missing teeth with dental implants under local anesthesia. Patient was briefed about the procedure and consent was obtained.


Under local anesthesia, the extraction of the corresponding lower front teeth was carried out following thorough irrigation of the extracted teeth socket. The gum tissue surrounding the site has been raised exposing the underlying jaw bone. Following that, dental implants of desired size were fixed in the bone. Final closure of the gum tissue was obtained with absorbable suture.

A three day course of antibiotics and painkillers has been prescribed to the patient to cope up with the post- surgical mild discomfort. Patient was educated on the post-operative oral maintenance instructions to be followed at home. The patient was asked to report after 3 months for placement of the final prosthesis, to ensure the dental implants integrates well with the jaw bone and to attain maximum stability and retention of the fixed prosthesis. Meanwhile, a removable prosthesis has been given to the patient to replace the missing teeth for the time being.


The patient reported after 3 months for the final procedure. Post- operative OPG taken shows well osseointegrated dental implants. Hence the final impression was taken and bite trails were seen. A natural looking fixed prosthesis was fixed on the implant. The prosthetic teeth looked very real and well aligned with the patient’s natural teeth, enhancing the patients look and smile. The patient was very happy with the outcome, as it was all that she needed.

1) Patient with malaligned lower front teeth
Patient with malaligned lower front teeth
Pre-operative OPG shows bone loss at the relative site
Pre-operative OPG shows bone loss at the relative site
Extraction of the mobile lower anteriors done under local anesthesia
Extraction of the mobile lower anteriors done under local anesthesia
Dental implants fixed in the underlying bone at the respective site
Dental implants fixed in the underlying bone at the respective site
Post-operative OPG shows well osseointegrated dental implants
Post-operative OPG shows well osseointegrated dental implants
Well aligned natural looking fixed prosthesis fulfilling the patients requirement
Well aligned natural looking fixed prosthesis fulfilling the patients requirement

Dental Implants and Ceramic Crowns for Smile Makeover

Dental Implants and Ceramic Crowns for Smile Makeover


A 52 year old female approached our dental hospital, wanting to replace the missing teeth in her upper and lower anteriors. Patient gives a history of extraction of a couple of her upper and lower anteriors done due to severe mobility  5 years back which made it difficult for her to chew food. Since there was space between the front teeth, she was not able to pronounce few words properly, thus hampering her speech. She was worried that her gap would widen more in the future if left untreated. Her inability to have a proper oral function affected her well being. Patient gives a medical history of diabetes for the past 10 years and under medication.


On clinical examination, the upper left central incisor, lower central incisors and a couple of her posterior teeth were all missing. The remaining upper and lower anteriors exhibhited grade2 mobility. On radiological examination OPG taken shows generalized bone loss with regard to periodontally week teeth. A thorough blood investigation revealed blood glucose level under control.


After complete examination of the patient and considering her demand to replace the missing upper and lower anteriors only, Dr.S.M.Balaji planned to extract the shaking teeth and replace it with dental implants under local anesthesia. The procedure was explained to the patient and approval was obtained to go ahead with the treatment plan.


Patient was asked to take antibiotics and painkillers for a period of 5 days. Patient was educated and motivated on home oral care regime. The dental implants would take a minimum duration of 3 months to completely osseointegrate with the jaw bone. Until then, a temporary prosthesis was given to the patient to replace the missing teeth.


Patient reported after 4 months. Post-operative x-ray (OPG) taken shows well consolidated dental implants with the jaw bone. Aesthetically natural looking ceramic prosthesis was fixed on to the implants, thus taking off the worrisome days of the patient. The patient was very much pleased with the look. She felt an immediate betterment in her speech. Having been satisfied with the outcome, patient showed keen interest to restore her missing posterior teeth with dental implants at a later date.

Patient with missing upper and lower anterior teeth
Patient with missing upper and lower anterior teeth
Pre-operative OPG taken shows generalized bone loss and missing teeth in the upper and lower jaw
Pre-operative OPG taken shows generalized bone loss and missing teeth in the upper and lower jaw
Mobile upper and lower anterior teeth extracted under local anesthesia
Mobile upper and lower anterior teeth extracted under local anesthesia
Dental implants placed in upper and lower jaw
Dental implants placed in upper and lower jaw
Post-operative OPG shows dental implants in chime with the jaw bone
Post-operative OPG shows dental implants in chime with the jaw bone
Aesthetically looking ceramic prosthesis fixed on the dental implants
Aesthetically looking ceramic prosthesis fixed on the dental implants