Pediatric Dentistry
At Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital – Kidz Korner, we strive to make your child’s dental visit as pleasant and enjoyable as possible. Here we provide very specialized dental care for your children, in a special child-friendly environment, a much different space from adult clinic. Our highly trained, caring and compassionate pediatric dental team takes excellent care of your child’s teeth while keeping them relaxed and comfortable because we know just how important it is for a child to have a positive experience at the dentist.
Child’s behavior plays major role in the first dental visit. Mostly they will have negative reinforcement. As a pediatric dental specialist was skilled and trained in behavior management technique, so that will help the children in negative reinforcement to positive reinforcement. So the child will become calm.
Apart from that we will teach you and your child how to best care for their teeth, advice on eating habits and good oral hygiene methods. In addition, we provide early diagnosis, even for children with milk teeth, for any possibilities of future teeth mal-alignment. Because this milk tooth has higher occurrence of caries spreads rapidly.
Our children’s dentistry service is a commitment to consider the child’s feelings, to gain the child’s confidence and co-operation to perform the treatment in a kind and sympathetic manner. We look forward to partnering with you to build a lifetime of good dental habits for your children.
Here we provide diet counseling and offers various solutions to limit the consumption of soft and sticky unhealthy items for your child.

What is early childhood caries?
It is the condition that can be observed in child who frequently has breastfeeding at night time. At the same time children who are feeding from bottle at during night time will cause early childhood caries.
How this decay will develop?
Child diet is rich in sugar and carbohydrates. When common food such as milk and child food products are used and tooth/oral cavity not brushed or cleaned, these substances are left to remain on the teeth for prolonged time or period – over the entire night. Bacteria’s utilize the sugar as a medium for growth and in the process excrete acids that attack the hard tissues of teeth causing the removal of calcium. This leads to dental caries or the dental decay.
Why decay occurs?
How the decay is present?
A dull, chalky white band or spot on the shiny tooth surface, mostly in surfaces closest to the gum margin. This is the first sign and usually remains undetected parents.
A yellow, brown or black band or spots on the tooth surface closest to the gum margin indicates the progression to dental caries.
Teeth look like brownish – black stumps indicate that the child has severe advanced caries.
Mostly upper front tooth (four incisors) and back teeth (molars) also involved.
Does this decay affect permanent tooth?
Yes, because this decay starts with white spot lesions. If this caries continuous without taking treatment that decay can progress and leads to complete destruction of the crown and that will affects permanent tooth.
Does this decay affect other teeth in the oral cavity?
Yes, of course, it spreads all in rapid and affects the multiple number of tooth in the oral cavity.
Does this decay affect child’s health?
Yes, this decay not only affects other teeth, it may also lead to more widespread health issues. It may also lead to underweight because of a toothache and difficulty of eating. Iron deficiency is also may be associated.
Is there any treatment for this decay?
Yes, it’s completely we can save the tooth (pulpectomy / Root Canal treatment) if it’s earlier. If it is delayed that will lead to remove the tooth under painless local anesthesia and we can save the space (space maintainer) for the eruption of permanent tooth.