Dr SM Balaji Invited to be the Chief Guest:
Prof. S.M. Balaji was invited as Chief Guest to the SRM Institute of Health Sciences, Kattankulathur, by Prof. N. Sethuraman, Registrar, SRM University and Dr. N. Chandra Prabha, Director of Health Sciences, SRM University to deliver an orientation talk to both fresher and senior medical and dental students alike about how to conduct oneself with each other in college.
Welcoming the Chief Guest to the SRM Institute of Health Sciences campus:
Upon arrival at the SRM Institute of Health Sciences campus, he was warmly welcomed by Prof. N. Vivek, Dean and Head of the Department, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, SRM Dental College, Kattankulathur. Upon commencement of the function, Dr. Chandra Prabha greeted Prof. Balaji with a bouquet of flowers and Prof. Sethuraman honored Dr. Balaji with a shawl to mark the occasion.
The Student Orientation Talk by Dr SM Balaji:
Dr SM Balaji addressed the gathering in his usual lucid and descriptive speaking style, connecting very easily with the audience. He made the audience of predominantly medical and dental students understand how crucial this period of life was to them in germinating the seed that would develop into a career for them. He explained how their behavior in this very crucial stage in life could either make or break their future. He said that the basis of interactions between senior students and the freshers should always be based on respect and wholehearted acceptance, stressing that friendships formed in this period would last a lifetime. He talked about his student days and how much of an impact it has had in making him the success he is today. He humorously related how he met some of his closest friends when they first joined college as his juniors. He added that college days are special in everyone’s life and how college days impact our life well into the future.
From the Viewpoint of the Parents of the Students:
He then spoke to the students from the point of view of their parents and the difficulties parents undergo in order to ensure that their children have a good education. He said that it was the duty of the students to realize their parents’ dreams for them and to ensure that the sacrifices made by their parents are not wasted. He said that their behavior in college should be exemplary and they should remain focused on academics during the entire period. He congratulated them and said that dentistry as a career choice was a very wise decision and this should be used as a foundation by them to build a good future for themselves. He said that dedication and hard work could make one rise to great heights in this field. He said that they needed to set goals for themselves at this stage of life itself and then work hard on achieving them. He said that indulging oneself in unwanted frivolous activities at this stage could endanger their entire future.
Advice to the Students:
Prof. Balaji concluded his speech by stating that the students should utilize this very vital period of their lives fruitfully by learning about hard work, perseverance, acceptance of others and ability to remain focused, which are all qualities that would help them do well in life.
- Dr. S.M. Balaji seated on the dais with Dr. N. Vivek, Dean, SRM Dental College, Kattankulathur, Dr. N. Chandra Prabha Director of Health Sciences, SRM University, Dr. N. Sethuraman, Registrar, SRM University and others.
- A view of the audience
- Dr N Sethuraman’s opening address at the function formally welcoming Dr Balaji to the function
- Dr Chandra Prabha warmly greeting Dr Balaji at the function
- Dr Sethuraman honoring Dr Balaji at the function
- Dr Sethuraman presenting Dr Balaji with a memento to mark the occasion
- A view of the dignitaries on the dais
- Dr Balaji’s opening remarks while addressing the audience during his Students Orientation talk for medical and dental students
- Dr Balaji stressing on a point at his Students Orientation talk
- Dr Balaji talking about the importance of forming lasting bonds during his Students Orientation talk
- Dr Balaji explaining the parents point of view while addressing the audience during his Students Orientation talk
- Dr Balaji presenting the books Clinical Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery and Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery authored by him to Dr. N Vivek
- Dr S M Balaji with the dean and other senior faculty members of SRM Institute of Health Sciences, Kattankulathur, at the conclusion of the function