Outstanding Research Faculty Award by Careers360

Outstanding Research Faculty Award by Careers360

The success for an experienced surgeon is to see that his knowledge, skills, experience and lifelong learning is being passed to next generation of young doctors. In pursuit of this, many doctors document their experience in the form of research publications and opinion pieces. Our Hospital Director, Prof SM Balaji also continuously documents his experience in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and dentistry in the form of publications. He often documents his unique procedures, his modifications and approach and willingly shares them on several platforms. His works has been archived at several repositories including PUBMED CENTRAL, SCOPUS, RESEARCHGATE. Many young surgeons and researchers across India and world access and refer his publications for their research and cite Prof. S. M. Balaji work in their works.

Career 360, (https://www.careers360.com/) a professional mentoring company that helps students to take informed decision for choosing career, recently undertook a valiant effort to identify most influential researchers in each professional stream across India. Our Director, Prof. S. M. Balaji was judged to be one of ten top most leading dental professionals in terms of research output in India.

Research Faculty Award - Prof. Dr. S.M Balaji

The selection was based on a composite score generated by evaluating your academic output in SCOPUS indexed journals for the year 2015-17, citation count and h-index. The weights for output, citation and h-index are 33.5, 31.6, and 34.9% respectively. This was arrived at by averaging of differential weights assigned by a postal ballot from the top 20 academics of Indian origin including Innovation Guru Prof. R A Mashelkar, celebrated corporate advisor cum academician Prof. Nirmalya Kumar, Harvard Business School Dean Dr Nitin Nohria, renowned academician and institution-builder Dr Pritam Singh, and National Law University Bangalore Vice-Chancellor Dr R Venkata Rao.

Prof. S. M. Balaji’s contribution to the field of dentistry and dental research is acknowledged by a private foundation in a public forum

Prof SM Balaji receives the highest scientific award at the World Cleft and Craniofacial Congress, Germany

Prof SM Balaji receives the highest scientific award at the World Cleft and Craniofacial Congress, Germany

Dr SM Balaji receives the highest scientific awardProf SM Balaji has been honored with the highest scientific “ Prof David Precious Award ”. This was at the 12th World Cleft and Craniofacial Congress held in Leipzig, Germany. He is the first Indian to receive the honor on such a platform. The award comes with a citation, plaque and a cash award of US $1000.00. Prof Kenneth Salyer, the world-renowned Craniomaxillofacial surgeon, presented him with the award. He is the President of the International Cleft Lip and Palate Foundation. Congress President, Prof Alexander Hemprich was also present. Prof Marie Tolarova, Member, Board of Trustees, ICPF spoke a few words about Dr. S M Balaji‘s achievement. This award is the highest award of the International Cleft Lip and Palate Foundation.

Achievements of International Cleft Lip and Palate Foundation

The International Cleft Lip and Palate Foundation (http://www.icpfweb.org) is a thirty-year-old forum. It is multidisciplinary with members including all stakeholders involved in orofacial cleft rehabilitation. This is a non-profit organization. It promotes service to humanity and the dissemination of scientific knowledge. The ICPF coordinates volunteer surgical missions in underdeveloped and developing countries. It sponsors surgeries in Vietnam, Cambodia, Tunisia and various other developing countries. They teach the local surgeons and cleft teams about cleft rehabilitation. The ICPF has its headquarters in Japan and has over 3000 members from over 60 nations across the world.

Prof David Precious, Cleft Lip and Palate Specialist

One of the founding Presidents of ICPF was Prof David S Precious. Prof David Precious resided, taught and served in Halifax, Canada. He was a notable Cleft surgeon who trained under Prof Delaire. Prof Delaire was the founding father of Craniomaxillofacial and Plastic Surgery. Dr. Precious established a Cleft Surgery unit in Canada. Prof Precious also continued research into Cleft treatment. He had many publications to his credit. In 2015, Prof David Precious passed away after a brief illness. The ICPF decided to instate a Scientific Award in his honor. It was in recognition of his immense scientific contributions to Orofacial Cleft rehabilitation. This is the highest Scientific Award of this noted International Organization.

International Recognition for Prof SM Balaji’s Ground-Breaking Research

Prof SM Balaji conducts research in Protein Guided Tissue Regeneration. He uses this for surgical cleft correction. The award is for these groundbreaking studies. Scientific merit was the basis of selection for this award. The selection panel consisted of world-renowned cleft rehabilitation surgeons. Prof SM Balaji’s pioneering work removed the necessity of a second surgery and more bone grafts. This led to great improvement in the quality of life of the patients. It also avoided a lot of complications associated with synthetic substances.

Cleft Palate – Velopharyngeal Incompetence – Hypernasality Speech Correction Surgery – Pharyngoplasty

Cleft Palate – Velopharyngeal Incompetence – Hypernasality Speech Correction Surgery – Pharyngoplasty

A patient with velopharyngeal insufficiency presents to Dr SM Balaji

The patient had been born with a cleft lip and palate. This had been set right as an infant. She later developed velopharyngeal incompetence. This is where there is escape of air through the nose during speech. It also manifested as difficulty pronouncing certain words well. This also added a nasal twang to her voice. She searched far and wide for the right cleft lip and palate surgeon to correct her problem. The patient was then referred to Dr SM Balaji. He is a world renowned cleft lip and palate surgeon.

Surgery planned for the patient

Dr SM Balaji, Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgeon, examined her. He explained to her that she needed a pharyngoplasty surgery to correct this. The patient was in agreement with this and was then scheduled for surgery. Aim of this surgery is to create a dynamic sphincter in the pharynx. Repositioning of the palatopharyngeus muscles achieves this.

The surgical procedure

The patient was then taken to the operating room. She then underwent general anesthesia without complications. Incisions were then made to release the posterior faucial pillars. This included the palatopharyngeus muscles. These muscles were then crisscrossed and sutured together on the posterior pharyngeal wall. A sphincter was thus formed here. This left a small opening or “port” for breathing through the nose.

Successful positive suction test

A positive suction test was then performed after completion of the surgery. This demonstrated a new dynamic velopharyngeal sphincter action. Correction of the patient’s velopharyngeal incompetence was thus completed.

The patient expressed total satisfaction with the results of the surgery. She was then discharged from the hospital.

Dr. S.M. Balaji invited as key operating faculty to the Advanced Craniofacial Surgery Workshop of the Indian Academy of Maxillofacial Surgeons

Dr. S.M. Balaji invited as key operating faculty to the Advanced Craniofacial Surgery Workshop of the Indian Academy of Maxillofacial Surgeons

Indian Academy of Maxillofacial Surgeons’ Advanced Craniofacial Surgery Workshop

The Indian Academy of Maxillofacial Surgeons conducted a workshop in Jabalpur. It was an Advanced Craniofacial Surgery workshop. Topic was “Current Advances in Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery”. Hitkarini Dental College and Hospital & Jabalpur Hospital and Research Centre were the hosts.

Duration of the workshop was from February 15-18, 2018. Many leading Cranio-Maxillofacial surgeons from around the world participated in this workshop. Prof J N Khanna was the programmed director. The programme coordinator was Dr Rajesh Dhirawani.

Craniofacial Surgery Workshop Indian Academy of Maxillofacial Surgeons

Foreign Faculty at the Workshop

Prof G E Ghali, Chancellor & Dean, LSU Health Sciences Center was the chief mentor at the workshop. He is the Gamble Professor and Chairman, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery -Shreveport, USA. Dr Ghali was present with his entire team of key opinion leaders at this huge workshop. Other foreign faculty were also present at the workshop. Prof Andrew Meram, Dr Mary Laura Hastings, Dr Ahmed Tamim and Dr Hendell Nealy were also present.

Prof G E Ghali allotting the case of congenital facial palsy to Prof S M Balaji

Dr S M Balaji Invited for Demonstration of Congenital Facial Palsy Correction Surgery

Prof S M Balaji was a key operating faculty at this workshop. His surgery was a case of congenital facial palsy. He taught the audience the finer aspects of the facial reanimation procedure.

Planning for the Dynamic Temporalis Sling Surgery

The patient was a middle aged male. He had congenital facial palsy and was facing a lot of health and social issues due to the facial palsy. Due case selection and studies were exacting and precise. Study of all clinical and anatomical factors was the basis of treatment planning. Inference was that a dynamic facial reanimation surgery would provide best results. This would be by means of using a Tensor fascia lata graft along with a partial Tarsorrhaphy. Surgery would join a part of the upper and lower eyelids. This would close the eye to a certain degree.

About 200 postgraduates and young oral surgeons presented for the workshop. They were from all over India. The surgery was a live demonstration. There was constant interaction between the surgeons and the audience. Audience would ask questions while the surgery was in progress. The operating faculties would immediately answer them.

Live Surgical Demonstration with Commentary by Prof S M Balaji

The patient suffered from a congenital lower motor neuron type of paralysis. Planned correct of this condition was via a strip of fascia lata. This was first harvested from the vastus lateralis. Next step of the surgery was by the combined preauricular and intraoral approach. Release of the temporalis from the coronoid process insertion was then performed. This was in the infratemporal region. The zygomatic arch was then cut and pushed down to free the temporalis muscle. Care was then taken to preserve all vital structures such as the parotid duct and gland in this area. Meticulous dissection ensured no damage to the the deep temporal artery and nerve. Through careful manipulation, the lower end of temporalis was then identified. One end of the fascia lata was then attached to it. Access to the modiolus was through a nasolabial incision. Free end of the fascia lata was then split into three parts. The lower part was then connected to the muscles of the lower lip. This was then followed by attaching the middle part to the modiolus and the upper part to the upper lip.

Dynamic facial reanimation check ensured proper connections and secure muscle attachments. This was through the action of the muscles. Movements were satisfactory. The connections were then checked again. Muscle attachments were secure and dynamic facial reanimation was fine. Confirmation of this was through the action of the muscles. A partial lateral tarsorrhaphy was then performed to correct improper eye closure. The patient recovered well.

Post-surgical Conference by Dr S M Balaji:

Prof S M Balaji’s interaction with the audience was educational and informative. The audience had a lot of questions about the procedure. The surgical tips he gave the audience about the case were very useful and practical. The audience was appreciative and the surgery was well received by all at the workshop.

Dr Ghali and Dr Dhirawani giving Dr S M Balaji a warm send off at the end of the workshop.
Dr Ghali and Dr Dhirawani giving Dr S M Balaji a warm send off

Prof S M Balaji conferred the Craniofacial Research Fellowship Award by the Craniofacial Research Foundation at Paro, Bhutan.

Prof S M Balaji conferred the Craniofacial Research Fellowship Award by the Craniofacial Research Foundation at Paro, Bhutan.

Dr S M Balaji invited to confer Craniofacial Research Fellowship Award:

Dr S M Balaji was invited to the 3rd International Craniofacial & Dental Summit held from March 4-6, 2018, in Paro, Bhutan, as he was being conferred the Craniofacial Research Fellowship Award by the Craniofacial Research Foundation in recognition of his outstanding contributions towards building awareness of craniofacial surgery and advancing knowledge of craniofacial surgical techniques.


Prof. S.M. Balaji honored by being Chairperson for Inaugural Lecture at the Summit:

Prof. S.M. Balaji was given the honor of being the chairperson for the inaugural lecture of the summit by Prof. Warren Schubert, member, Board of Trustees, American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons, on the topic of “Orbital Reconstruction.”

Dr. S.M. Balaji’s Keynote Speech on Management of Craniofacial Clefts:

Prof. S.M. Balaji was also invited by the Organizing Chair, Prof. Samdrup Wangchuk, Secretary to the Ministry of Health, Royal Government of Bhutan and Scientific Chair, Prof. Divya Mehrotra, Professor, King George Medical University, Lucknow to deliver a keynote guest lecture on “Management of Craniofacial Clefts.”Dr. S.M. Balaji spoke at length on the topic, drawing from his vast experience of 20+ years as a craniofacial surgeon, elucidating the way the field has evolved over the years and the latest research that is being done to advance the frontiers of the superspecialty to further serve patients with craniofacial deformities. Prof. S.M. Balaji’s presentation included latest craniofacial corrective surgeries performed on patients with various Tessier’s craniofacial clefts.

Other Faculty at Summit:

Other eminent keynote speakers at the summit included Prof. Francis V. Roasa from the Phillipines, Prof. Ravi Kant, ex-Vice Chancellor, King George Medical University, Lucknow and Director, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh and Prof. Jeff Downie, member, British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.

Prof. S.M. Balaji’s appointment as Honorary Consultant Surgeon by the Government of Bhutan:

Prof. S.M. Balaji was invited by Mr. Lhab Dorji, President and Dr. Phub Tshering, ENT and Head-Neck Surgeon, Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital, Thimphu, Bhutan to render his services as Honorary Consultant surgeon towards treatment of Cranio-Maxillofacial defects and deformities among the Bhutanese people.


Dr. S.M. Balaji invited as keynote speaker and moderator to Indian Dental Conference, Bhubaneswar

Dr. S.M. Balaji invited as keynote speaker and moderator to Indian Dental Conference, Bhubaneswar

Invited as Keynote Speaker and Moderator:

Dr SM Balaji was invited to the 71st Indian Dental Conference organized by the Indian Dental Association-Odisha State Branch in Bhubaneswar, Odisha to deliver a keynote speech as well as to serve as moderator for a scientific session. The theme of the conference was “Accelerating Innovation and Fostering Advances.”

Dr. S.M. Balaji meets the Chief Minister of Odisha

Dr S M Balaji with the Hon’ble Shri Navin Patnaik Chief Minister of Orissa at the conferenceThe Guest of Honour, the Chief Minister of Odisha, Hon’ble Shri. Navin Patnaik inaugurated the conference at a grand ceremony. Dr. Balaji spoke with the Chief Minister regarding initiatives for increasing awareness about oral health in the state.







Moderator for Scientific Session at the Bhubaneswar Conference:

Dr. Balaji and Dr. Suresh Meshram then chaired a scientific session that featured Dr. Sandesh Mayekar, India and Dr. Yong Seok Cho, Korea, Dr. Mayekar spoke about “Functional Smile Designing” and Dr. Cho spoke about “Management of Sinus Membrane Perforation.Dr. Balaji and Dr. Meshram presented the speakers with Certificates of Appreciation at the end of their sessions.

Prof. S.M.Balaji’s Keynote Speech:

In his keynote speech at the conference, Dr. Balaji spoke about “Principles and Practice of Vertical Alveolar Ridge Augmentation by Grafting.” Dr. Balaji’s session was chaired by Dr. Satish Bhardwaj and another eminent co-chairman. The moderators for the session presented Dr. Balaji with a Certificate of Appreciation at the end of his keynote speech.

A Meeting with Dr. Moule from Australia at the Conference:

Dr. S.M. Balaji with Dr. Alexander Moule of Australia at the conclusion of the conference

Dr. S.M. Balaji with Dr. Alexander Moule of Australia at the conclusion of the conference

Dr. S.M. Balaji met with Dr. Alexander Moule of Australia at the conclusion of the conference. Dr. Moule was also a featured keynote speaker at the conference. Dr. Balaji spent some time with Dr. Moule relating the steps being taken to increase awareness about the ill effects of tobacco on the human body in general and the oral cavity in particular among the rural youth in India.